Blogging has evolved over the years, transitioning from a basic “web journal” on which to share to your personal thoughts and opinions to a more versatile platform on which to publish a variety of content regularly. So how can a blog really Boost your Business Website? Let’s explore How to Start a Successful Blog to Boost Your Business Website.
How to Start a Successful Blog to Boost Your Business Website
Do I Really Need a Blog?
If you want to maintain a strong presence on the Internet for your business, the answer is yes. According to HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing Report, 81% of businesses say a blog is either useful or critical to their business. A separate study published by HubSpot’s Marketing Benchmarks From 7,000 Businesses found that companies who blog 15x or more per month generate 5x more web traffic than companies without a blog.
Statistics such as this attest to the power of blogging for businesses. But what if your business focuses strictly on brick-and-mortar sales without needing e-commerce? Conventional wisdom may lead you to believe that maintaining a blog offers little-to-no benefit in this case, though this isn’t necessarily true.
Prospective customers may search for your business online to learn more about what it offers. With a blog, you can provide prospective customers with information such as your business’s street address, hours of operation, phone number, history, mission statement and more. You can also use a blog to build stronger brand recognition and credibility.
Choose a Blogging Platform
You can technically create and maintain a blog using nothing more than Notepad or Microsoft Word. However, just because you “can” doesn’t mean that you should. Creating your blog on a content management system (CMS) streamlines many tasks that would otherwise consume your time and resources.
Some of the most popular CMS platforms for blogging include Joomla, Drupal and WordPress, the latter of which is generally preferred. Statistics show that WordPress powers roughly 24% of the entire Internet. Written mainly in PHP, WordPress is an open-source CMS platform that’s used to build websites and blogs. So, why should you WordPress for your business’s blog?
Here are some benefits to blogging with WordPress:
- Supports multiple authors
- Interchangeable templates (known as themes)
- Fully customizable
- Built-in post scheduling feature, meaning you can create and schedule posts for a later publishing date
- Massive library of nearly 50,000 plugins
- Clean, well-written code
- Frequently updated with new features and security enhancements
Content Strategy
Once you’ve selected a CMS for your business blog, it’s time to consider the content. Without content, there’s no reason for people (or search engines) to visit your blog. So, what type of content should you publish?
Think about your target audience and the type of content they are looking for. If you run a business that sells engagement rings, your target audience is couples looking to tie the knot. Therefore, you should publish relevant content to engaged or about-to-be-engaged couples. You could publish a blog post about the pros and cons of destination weddings, which will likely attract prospects to your blog and business.
Don’t limit yourself to only publishing text-based content on your business blog, however. Other content forms include images, photo galleries, videos, podcasts, interviews, questions and answers, infographics and more. Diversifying your blog with multiple forms of content makes is more “valuable” to search engines, which usually translates into higher search rankings.
And if you’re running out of ideas, check to see what competing businesses publish on their blogs. You shouldn’t copy their ideas but rather use it to draw inspiration for your own ideas. HubSpot has a nifty blog topic generator that’s also useful when you run out of ideas.
Give your business blog a jump start on the competition. Contact us today for industry-leading web development and digital marketing services.
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Further Information:
How to Create Digital Content for Your At-Home Clients
Top 9 WordPress Website Design Trends
How to Stay Top of Mind for Your Customers by Utilising Your Website
12 Steps to Shift Your Business to an Online Delivery Model Business
7 Reasons WordPress is Perfect for Your Website in Today’s Environment
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How to Build a Customer Journey Map to Enhance Your Website Design
7 Key Questions to ask before Choosing the Best WordPress Theme
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