In this time of social isolation, many businesses are struggling with how to stay top of mind for their customers. You might have needed to close your physical doors as a result of specific mandates in your area. You might still be open for business with only an online or delivery model.
No matter how you’re handling your business during this difficult time, it’s critical that you remain top of mind both now and at the end of the pandemic–and your website and digital presence can help you achieve those goals.
How to Stay Top of Mind for Your Customers by Utilising Your Website
- Reinvigorate Your Blog
- Re-engage Your E-Marketing
- Plan Out Your Social Content
- Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
- Utilise Video
- Improve/Refresh Your Website
How to Stay Top of Mind for Your Customers by Utilising Your Website
1. Reinvigorate Your Blog
Your blog is an incredibly important tool for engaging with your audience–and with more people than ever at home with little to do, it’s the perfect time for them to read your content. Have you been allowing your blog to languish without updating it as frequently as you should have? Has your blog seen relatively little traffic, especially compared to the other ways you connect with your audience?
It’s time to change all of that.
Start by taking a look at the topics your customers most want to know about–both in the light of COVID-19 and when it comes to your business as a whole. Do some keyword research to see what customers are searching for and check out what your competitors have written.
Make a list of questions that crop up often on your social media accounts and in customer service interactions with your customers.
Then, make a list of topics you want to ensure you’ve covered on your blog. Check your existing content library and consider what content you can repurpose or refresh.
Finally, create a schedule that will allow you to put together that content while your customers remain in isolation and as they start to return to normal.
Don’t forget to consider topics that will interest your customers while they’re still stuck indoors. This is the perfect time for content that covers topics like things to do inside, keeping family members healthy, or how to maintain some level of normalcy–fitting in exercise, connecting with family members, or maintaining job skills, for example–while still maintaining social distancing guidelines.
In order to truly revitalise and reinvigorate your blog, make sure that you also have a plan for connecting it to your other digital marketing methods. You might, for example, want to make sure that you’re sharing blog content on your social media pages or that you’re including references to your blogs in your email marketing. Customers who don’t know your blog is out there can’t visit it!
2. Re-engage Your E-Marketing
Your business has worked to build an email list that allows you to connect with customers who are genuinely interested in the content you’re sending out for your business. In order to make the most of your email marketing, however, you need to send out highly engaging, customised content that will allow you to connect more effectively with those customers.
Try some critical strategies to reengage your customers through email marketing.
Reevaluate your email lists. Have you properly segmented your lists so that you can customise content for each type of customer? Carefully consider how you’re segmenting your lists and what type of content you’re sending each one.
Take a look at your automated emails. You may need to adapt your automated emails in light of the current situation. Many of your customers may have different needs than they did before the pandemic–and you want to be sensitive to those needs.
Consider what content you’re sharing with your customers. Revisit your marketing strategy in light of the pandemic and how your business plans to handle many issues moving forward. Have you changed your sales? What about the types of promotions you’re offering? Have you adapted the way you’re doing business throughout the pandemic? Your customers need to know about each of those changes: how they impact your business and how they impact the way they do business with you. Equally importantly, however, your customers are looking for a sense of normalcy–especially as social distancing measures drag on and they notice an increasing number of cancellations. Consider how you can offer that normalcy to your customers, either through the products and offers you give them or through your connection with them.
3. Plan Out Your Social Content
Right now, many of your customers are spending more time than ever on social media. They’re bored; they’re looking for something to do; and, even more, they’re looking for information about what is going on in the world and how the businesses they connect with most often are handling the current situation. They need to know that you’re still open for business or when you plan to reopen. They need to know what measures you’re taking to assist your customers during this time, from special shopping hours for the elderly to added cleaning measures designed to help keep your customers safe.
Take the time to plan out your social content for every channel for the weeks ahead. Keep some of these guidelines in mind:
Be sensitive to the current times. You can’t afford to ignore the current situation. Many businesses have been forced to reevaluate their entire business model in light of the pandemic. Others are offering dramatically different services: providing curbside options or delivery, for example. Not only that, your customers’ lives may have changed dramatically: some are out of work; others are struggling with feelings of isolation and fear. Tailor your messaging to support your customers during this time.
Try to be uplifting. There’s plenty of bad news and negativity to go around. Make your business a safe space for your customers. Remind them that you’re there for them. Find examples of how people in the community are helping one another during this difficult time.
Keep customers informed. The situation in your area may change in what feels like the blink of an eye–and it may continue to change rapidly for the foreseeable future. Keep customers informed about what’s going on.
Provide for customers’ needs. Consider what products or services you have that can assist your customers during this time. Many organisations are offering increased content to aid with entertainment and education. Not only are those materials a great way to help your customers, they can help keep you top of mind and increase customers’ opinion of your brand not only now but when the pandemic comes to an end.
4. Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
The current situation is the perfect time to improve your LinkedIn profile and make sure that your customers can find you–especially for small businesses or freelancers, who may struggle more than usual to get the word out about what they’re doing. Update your profile to ensure that it is accurate and complete.
You may want to refresh your skills or the services that you offer in light of the pandemic since many customers are looking for different things than they did just weeks ago.
5. Utilise Video
With more people at home, many of them looking for ways to occupy themselves, video is a more important tool than ever. Your video content is an ideal way to entertain and engage customers who are sitting at home with too much time on their hands. Create videos that entertain, educate, or simply speak to the times. Consider:
How can you provide uplifting, engaging video content during the current crisis? Create video content that will help ease some of the burdens many of your customers are carrying through this difficult time.
How can you use your video content to help educate customers during this time? Some organisations have already stepped up to provide educational video content to their customers who are stuck at home. For example, aquariums and zoos around the world offer engaging video content designed to help better educate customers and donors. Your organisation likely has its own specific area of expertise–and you can use that expertise to connect with your customers during this time.
6. Improve/Refresh Your Website
As social distancing measures continue, many customers are heading online to take care of their normal shopping needs. If your website is outdated, you’re already past due for a refresh and this is the perfect time to take care of it. Ensure your website is up-to-date and has the features your customers need. Not only should your website include clear information about how your business is handling the pandemic, including your current hours and delivery options, it should:
Answer your customers’ questions. What questions do customers have most often about your products? How do they usually connect with your business? Make those answers readily available to your customers as they access your website.
Have an intuitive design. Customers should be able to easily find what they need on your website, even if they’ve never visited it before.
Offer mobile-friendly access. Your customers should be able to access your website no matter what device they use easily.
During this time, it’s more critical than ever that you take steps to remain top of mind for your customers, and your digital presence and website are the ideal way to do that. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you revitalise your online presence, show you How to Stay Top of Mind and continue to engage your customers throughout this crisis and beyond.
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Further Reading
7 Can’t Miss Digital Marketing Trends for 2020
Setting up for online success: Goal setting for Online Stores
Custom WordPress Website vs Theme: Which Is Best?
10 Tips for Creating Landing Pages
How To Write Website Content That Engages And Connects
10 Must-Have E-Commerce Product Page Elements