Securing your WordPress site is critical. By following our “Definitive WordPress Security Checklist,” you’ll learn the essential steps.
Website Security
Pixel Fish Website Design BlogTips for Making Your WordPress Site Secure
Did you know one of the best things for your WordPress site is to make it secure? See our Tips for Making Your WordPress Site Secure!
Hidden Hacks: How to Check if Your WordPress Website Has Been Hacked
Most people have a Hollywood-influenced idea of what it means when your website is hacked. We get the idea that hackers are live villains trying to break down your firewall. In the movies, the hacker’s fingers clack at speed over a keyboard which somehow powers the brute-force password hack, which is somehow the only defence between hackers and the target servers.
13 WordPress Security Features that Protect Your Users
Security for a business website is essential. Not only do you need a high-performing website that can’t be hacked or interrupted – you also need strong defences for your user accounts. Today, we’re here to highlight the top 13 WordPress security features available through today’s plugins that will protect your user accounts.
8 Top WordPress Security Plugins for Business Websites
The one thing that all WordPress websites have in common is the need for security. Here are 8 Top WordPress Security Plugins.
10 Key Signs That Your WordPress Site is Hosting Malware
Due to increased hacker interest, WordPress security is more important than ever. Here are some signs That Your WordPress Site is Hosting Hidden Malware
10 Ways to Make Sure Your WordPress Theme is Secure & Malware-Free
We’re here to highlight ten smart ways to make sure that your WordPress theme is legitimate, secure, and not already carrying malware hidden in the code.
Getting to know the Different Types of SSL Certificates
There are 3 types of SSL Certificate available, each providing the same encryption levels, whilst vetting and verification processes differ for each.
Maintaining Your WordPress Site: What You Need to Know
WordPress requires maintenance and various practices to keep working as good as new. Here’s what you need to know about Maintaining Your WordPress Site.
WordPress Website Security: How to Avoid Getting Hacked
The more popular WordPress has become, the more likely it is to be targeted by hackers. Here’s what you need to know about WordPress Website Security.
What is an SSL Certificate And Do I Need One for My Website?
Have you asked yourself What is an SSL Certificate And Do I Need One for My Website? Here are 3 reasons you should consider adding an SSL certificate.
Is your WordPress Hacked? Here are 5 Potential Reasons
Finding out your WordPress website has been exposed to a digital predator can be very stressful. Is your WordPress Hacked? Here are 5 Potential Reasons
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