Digital marketing isn’t the wave of the future: it’s the current reality we all must face! And even if you’re done a pretty good job of staying on top of the latest updates, it doesn’t hurt to take a few minutes to get acquainted with the potentially game-changing trends that seem to be rumbling up in the near future.
Digital Marketing Trends to Watch for
1. Upcoming Social Media Apps
You probably don’t need to be told that social media can be a huge marketing tool: just consider the 100 million person reach of Snapchat and the ways that businesses are tapping into all that marketing potential. Social media has transformed the world and you need to stay on top of the latest and greatest media apps.
Popular social media apps that you need to understand and tap into include in the future include:
- Kik Messenger Messenger
- ooVoo
- Burn Note
- Whisper
- MeetMe
- Vine
- Tumblr
- Skout
- Omegle
- Tinder
These apps tap into the ever important teen market, a market that is becoming more obsessed with social media and digital platforms. Creating some form of media presence on these websites (whether it be advertisements or some form of interactive helper) can keep you on the cutting edge.
2. Personalising Marketing Needs
With the rise of digital marketing and SEO-based search techniques, people aren’t just expecting more personalised marketing strategies: they’re anticipating them. That’s where customer attribution comes in: attribution is the act of understanding your customers, their needs, how they found your site, and maximising its individuality and effectiveness.
It’s not enough to just utilise targeted advertising based on their Google searches: most consumers have advanced beyond that simple concept. Instead, you need to anticipate what customers want out of your products, why they turn to you, their appreciation, and what you could do better.
That’s where “Customer Review” sub-sites become so important. These sites create “customer attribution” by putting the words of your customers right into your ears. What they have to say might not be pretty, but it can help you get an idea on what works for you and what it isn’t.
Beyond that, it can also create a digital marketing coup: people love expressing themselves and will greatly appreciate an outlet for venting about your business. And any positive reviews can be posted in a “Satisfied Customer” section. These sections are more popular than you’d think: often, customers will check these first to get a first-hand look at your company’s popularity.
3. More Search Engine Availability
Google is, by far, the number one search engine in the world and one that most businesses spend their entire digital marketing campaign satisfying. However, the other juggernaut of the Internet, Facebook, is creating its own search engine that many believe will rival the popularity and reach of Google.
In fact, many consumers are starting to become wary of Google and other search engines that track their information. As a result, alternative search engines are quickly becoming available.
And while they won’t likely shake Google’s stranglehold any time soon, the market is once again diversifying. Which means you need to do the same! The followin search engines are anticipated to skyrocket in popularity in the future:
- Bing
- Yahoo
- DuckDuckGo
- Wow
- Ask
- AOL Search
- My Web Search
- Infospace
- Info 10
- Dogpile
Users will continue to turn to these websites, meaning you need to learn how to match multiple search parameters.
4. Video Engagement
YouTube is one of the most popular websites in the world because it offers users access to the world’s widest collection of videos. And video marketing works: up to 82% of all companies claim that utilise digital marketing increased their business success.
That’s why you have to get started making your own video marketing campaign, ASAP! We’re not talking about just making ads that run on YouTube: those get clicked away by bored and impatient viewers. We’re talking about useful videos (such as how to guides) and other free content that spreads your name.
Remember: people love free stuff and a collection of useful (or even funny) free videos will draw people to your site like flies.
If you are interested in more digital marketing trends and tips, please contact us today! We’re always ready to help businesses like you maximise their digital marketing reach!
Further Information
How To Handle A Bad Google Review
Top Small Business CRMs to Consider for Your Website
Top 5 reasons to create a Website CRM Integration
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