If you have a hunch your website isn’t on par, do you know what signs to look out for to determine if your business website needs updating? Let’s look at some Vital Signs That Your Business Website Needs Updating.
8 Vital Signs That Your Business Website Needs Updating
- Is it past the expiry date?
- Is it anti-social?
- Is it old school?
- Does it work for you or against you?
- Is it secure?
- How is its Mobile Responsiveness?
- Does it have a high bounce rate?
- How’s your eCommerce Functionality?
Keeping your business website up to date, relatable and innovative is in your business’ best interests, especially in today’s internet-driven marketplace. How do you know when it’s time to tweak and time for a major overhaul?
Here are 8 vital signs that your business website needs an update.
8 vital signs that your business website needs an update
1. Is it past the expiry date?
Your website should always be fresh and relevant. So, how do you know if your website’s best days are behind it? There are a few simple questions that will let you know for sure:
Firstly, are you still manually collecting customer information and then entering it into a separate customer database?
Do you need an expert to update your content?
Does your site have dynamic content (i.e. does the site change frequently)
If you’ve found yourself nodding yes to these three questions, your Content Management System needs an upgrade.
A sound content management system – such as WordPress – will provide you with an easy-to-use interface, allowing your staff to update your website content. Creating a content schedule will ensure your site is kept up to date with relevant, fresh content, which should encourage your customers to visit more frequently.
2. Is it anti-social?
Social Media Integration is essential for businesses today. Does your website properly integrate with your social media? When your website works hand-in-hand with your social media, your SEO improves, you get your customer’s attention and you create opportunities to secure new customers as well.
Contact us today if you need help ensuring your website uses social media to its full potential.
3. Is it old school?
Flash sites have been left behind. They are slow to load (refusing to load on most smart phones or iPads), and their structure is image-laden; this means they are less likely to be picked up by search engines. Image-based text (rather than HTML) can also be a barrier to SEO.
When customers see a website that looks out of touch, they naturally assume the business is also out of touch. Similarly, a customer who sees a professional, polished website that works efficiently will assume the company will deliver professional service.
Money spent on specialised website design and professional photography is an investment in your business. Consider putting your very best foot forward by reviewing your website’s content or hire a copywriter to rewrite your website text for you. Your aim is to create an online presence for your business that not only projects quality to your customers but also ensures they feel comfortable buying from you.
So, if your site isn’t a WordPress site or if it’s static HTML, a Flash site (or if it simply looks like it was built in the late ‘90s) it’s time to move on before your site fossilises!
4. Does it work for you or against you?
Sometimes your website isn’t doing anything much wrong, it just might not be doing much right, either.
Poor navigation can frustrate your customers and make it impossible for them to find your great content. Driving customers crazy (or simply driving them away) is easy to repair once you recognise the problem. Consult the experts – ask a professional web design company, like Pixel Fish, for an audit of your business’ website.
A website audit isn’t just a great idea if you feel your design and navigation need improvement. Your website should generate enquiries, be easy to update and manage – if in doubt, why not let the professionals offer their recommendations? Make sure you act on them quickly to repair an under-performing website.
5. Is it secure?
It is a frightening reality that hackers attempt to hack into your site at least three times each day. Your website’s security is of utmost importance, or your site may be hacked. This could see your site infected with viruses (which will then spread to your customers) and get your site blocked from browsers and search engines. Rather than lose customers’ trust, make keeping your site’s CMS up to date a priority. A full security check every six months is recommended, along with a full upgrade every 3 years for the average business website.
6. How is its Mobile Responsiveness?
Your website needs to be flexible and adaptable to any device – if this is not the case, upgrade now.
Your design may be responsive or adaptive, however, you must keep up with the latest trends. The newer themes will ensure your website adapts to any device, including the modern css code. They also allow a faster load speed by letting you hide certain page blocks for mobile.
7. Does it have a high bounce rate?
If you’ve worked hard at SEO, your marketing strategy and your site is getting the traffic you want but your bounce rate is high, then you have an issue that needs addressing. Whether it is the look of your website, the content, the navigation or something else – your potential clients and leads are clicking away, and there is always a reason.
Depending on your industry, a 40-60% bounce rate is acceptable. (To check your bounce rate, go to Google Analytics, and once you’ve logged in, check out Acquisition>>Overview).
8. How’s your eCommerce Functionality?
No one likes to queue at the checkout. Once you’ve made the decision to purchase, whether in person or online, any delay in moving through the checkout is irksome.
If your website is over two years old, sorry to say but your website is already quite far behind. Not only is your site’s functionality lagging, but its looks are too! Your site’s code may be out-dated which could be slowing down it’s loading speed or the way it interacts with different devices.
In the last few years, most theme providers have also improved their platforms to provide better website management tools. Website tweaks, such as offering fewer clicks to checkout, can convert more sales. In eCommerce, it is imperative to stay ahead of the competition, remain agile and stand out.
Just like an employee, your website works for you. Or at least it should – after all, your website is there to promote your business. If your website isn’t running at its full potential, it is letting your business down. If you want to love your website and want it to work just as hard as you do to build your business, it might be time to talk to the experts!
Let Sydney’s leading Web Design Agency take your business to the next level with a Pixel Fish Small Business Website.
Check out some of our latest Website Design projects and Testimonials.
Further Information
How to Create a Saleable Business Using Your Website
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