Top 10 reasons to choose WooCommerce for your business

Aug 11, 2015 | eCommerce, WooCommerce

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Kevin Fouche

Top 10 reasons to choose WooCommerce for your business

Posted by Kevin Fouche, Pixel Fish Director

Kevin handles the planning, design, launch and training of every website that Pixel Fish creates. He ensures that every website is highly engaging and aligned with our client’s goals. With over 20 years of design and web industry experience to draw upon, Kevin aims to pass on his knowledge to our clients and like-minded businesses wanting to grow their online presence.

This past year has seen a 30% increase in enquiries for our online stores.

With so many businesses moving to sell their products online, we thought we would share some of the fantastic reasons why we choose to use WooCommerce for business websites.

When choosing the perfect platform for your online business it is very important to do your research. In this blog I will be covering what we regard as the 10 top reasons to consider Woo Commerce for your business.

Top 10 reasons to choose WooCommerce for your business

1. WordPress compatibility

Given that WordPress now makes up over 20% of all websites in the world, the fluid compatibility of WooCommerce into WordPess is a major selling point. This essentially means you can confidently combine the two to produce a highly effective and reliable website platform for your online business.

Here are some WordPress facts to consider: Why we use WordPress

2. Flexible design and User Interface

WooCommerce is a plugin that works brilliantly with your WordPress website and chosen theme. The interface allows you to create a responsive framework for your website with little effort.

3. Simple reporting

Reporting is a real highlight of the platform and allows business owners to quickly track their performance through a range of graphs and statistical data generated from their website sales. You can track things such as stock levels, orders and customer details.

4. Free Base

Another great selling point of Woo Commerce is that at it’s base level, it is in fact free. What this means is that businesses can get up and going with the base version with minimal cost. This way they can put their budget towards their website and plugins to extend their functionality, rather than on purchasing a licence.

5. User friendly Back end

As with WordPress, the back end of WooCommerce is really easy to learn and get up to speed with. It allows business owners to manage their website with ease, placing all of the vital information they need just a click away. We find training up and supporting our clients in WooCommerce a terrific solution.

6. Safe & Secure

WooCommerce in fact have their actual code audited and certified to make sure their platform is one of the most secure online store products on the market.

7. Great Customer Experience

One of the key pieces of feedback we have received over the years is the excellent user experience in WooCommerce. Website built using WooCommerce provide their customers with a positive journey from browsing to checkout.

8. Scalable Functionality

Woo Commerce has many optional extras that you can easily purchase and implement into your website for additional functionality. Add ons such as wish lists, chained products or pre-orders are perfect examples of extras you can add to your website. This means, that as you grow, so can your website!

9. Popularity

WooCommerce has risen to become the most popular platform on Wordpress, the words most popular website platform. And with popularity you find many advantages. There are more people out there who are constantly creating new features and plugins. There are also more people who can help you design and build your website. All in all, bigger means better options for your business!

10. Reliable Support

WooCommerce support is one point we can personally attest for. We have over the years called upon their support team for help. The support we have received has always been very good. From fixing glitches to answering technical questions, the support they provide certainly gives us the confidence to continue using the platform for many years to come.

Take your online store business to the next level with a Pixel Fish Ecommerce Website.

Suggested additional reading:
8 proven successful online store product types
How to find the perfect Niche for your eCommerce Product
Top 5 places to find eCommerce product ideas
WooCommerce for Ecommerce: Why your business needs to consider it

Further Information
Why Selling via Your E-Commerce Website is Better than a Marketplace
Using Analytics to Prove Your Marketing Strategy ROI
How to Build a Perfect E-Commerce Product Page
10 Ways to promote your business online during the COVID
Top 10 Tips for Conducting an Effective Video Meeting
10 Best Practices for a Successful WordPress Website Design Project
Top 8 Advanced WordPress Features and Plugins to Beat Your Competition
WooCommerce Website Design

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