The internet may only have gained popularity in the last quarter century or so. However, it has already changed and developed a great deal during this time. Websites and social media pages have become more sophisticated and companies have started strategising about the best way to attract users. Digital marketing has already become a valid field for business owners to invest in. Let’s explore How to Exceed clients’ Expectations through Superb Business Website Design.
With so much growth taking place and so much more potentially visible for the long term, it’s a good idea to know exactly what people expect from a business website.
Over the years, people’s expectations have grown and continue to do so. For now, keeping the following points in mind is a good idea.
How to Exceed client’s Expectations from Superb Business Website Design
- Superb Business Website Design:
The way your website looks is going to make a significant first impression on the user. And you can’t really overestimate the value of a first impression. As Malcolm Gladwell says in his book Blink, people make up their minds about things within the first few seconds of encountering them. And even though they might try keeping an open mind, they keep coming back to that first impression sooner or later. So make sure that your design is eye-catching and sophisticated. Use striking but relevant images and work them into the layout seamlessly. Remember that the layout is as important, if not more so, than the images because it directs the viewer’s eye towards the various aspects of the website. - Mobile Responsive Web Design:
Most people spend their entire day at work where they may or may not be able to access the internet for their own purposes. And when they’re at home, they tend to get busy with chores, family etc. So it’s when people are travelling that they have the time to access the internet at leisure. They may also get some time during their lunch hours or while they’re waiting for friends. So they need to be able to look at your website on their phones. If your web design is not mobile-responsive, you’re missing out on an entire section of the population that one of your competitors might be cashing in on. - Social Media Integration:
Most people who have an online presence now realise it’s important to have social media pages. And you can’t just start these pages and forget about them. You have to keep updating them all the time. The style of your website needs to be reflected in your social media as well. And you need to link to your social media from your website and vice versa. Social media integration can help you reach and connect with a new audience since people share tips and recommendations via this medium. - Up-to-Date Relevant Content:
The images and layout of your website might be important but eventually, it’s the information you provide that determines whether or not people will buy your product or service. If your content is outdated, badly written or just plain irrelevant, you’re going to lose a customer. Some common mistakes include paragraph after paragraph of information with no subheadings, using jargon that people don’t understand, spelling or grammar mistakes, outdated information, incomplete information and trying to catch the user’s eye by using words like “free” and “zero.” - UX:
Your website might have a number of good qualities but if UX is missing, it’s going to work against you. UX stands for user experience. So it’s the sum of everything about your website. It’s about how the various aspects of your website have been bound together and whether this happens seamlessly or with breaks. For example, the content on many of your tabs might be great but if users can’t get to these tabs or are being directed to the wrong tabs, then UX suffers. So it’s a good idea to try to see things from the perspective of the user to try to figure out what their experience will be.
Contact us for more great tips on building a brilliant business website that will fulfil people’s expectations and grow your business.
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