If you are running an e-commerce website, you likely have at least some idea about your intended target audience. But do you know their mentality as they try to decide whether to buy items on your website? Let’s explore the 5 Types of E-Commerce Website Shoppers & How to Win Them Over.
Members with identical demographic information can behave very differently on online stores. For example, you may sell women’s fashion to females between the ages of 30 and 55 in a certain geographic area. But naturally, two women who fall into all of these criteria will have very different personalities and shopping criteria when looking for new clothing.
To help you optimise your e-commerce experience, here are the 5 types of online shoppers, and how you can win them over.
5 Types of E-Commerce Website Shoppers
1. Window Shoppers
This audience comes to your store not with a specific purchase in mind, but simply to explore options. Imagine a leisurely stroll down a shopping street with plenty of attractive store windows – that’s how these shoppers treat your website.
Window shoppers tend to be visual, so plenty of product images can attract them to your site. In addition, sections like ‘related products’ that connect multiple items to each other enable them to browse and ultimately find an item they like. They may not convert the first time on your site, but if you can wow them, they’ll come back.
2. Bargain Hunters
As the name suggests, bargain hunters are not looking for luxury items to wow them with product features. Instead, they want to find the lowest-priced versions of the items they’re looking for, and if your store doesn’t quality, they’ll move on to a competitor.
The best way to win over a bargain hunter is to simply focus on both the price and return on investment for your products. If you cannot offer the lowest price among your competitors, try bundling a number of product or offering ancillary benefits like free shipping as an alternative. If none of those tactics are possible within your strategy, steer the attention to the eventual return on their investment rather than the initial price.
3. Trend Setters
In many ways, this audience is the exact opposite of a bargain hunter. Rather than looking for the cheapest alternative, they want to find the product that no one else owns yet. They’re early adopters among their personal and professional circles, always on the hunt for the newest trend in their preferred industry.
A large part of winning over trend setters is the copy you use to promote and describe your products. A simple ‘New’ badge for products that have been in your store for less than 3 months can help steer their attention toward the goal. Once you have their information, consider adding them to an email flow that always notifies them when a new product is available.
4. Researchers
Similar to bargain hunters, researchers browse around different sites before making a buying decision. But unlike their counterparts, this audience is looking not to compare prices but to make the most informed decision possible. Researchers are terrified of making an uninformed decision that may come back to haunt them, so they do everything in their power to get a full picture before buying.
Needless to say, you will be better off the more information you can give this audience. They will look for comparison points, so be sure to list the technical specs (if available). In addition, this audience can also be swayed by social proof; consider adding product reviews, both on your own website and others, for maximum impact.
5. Gardeners
One of four core behaviours gardeners cultivate the existing relationship they have with a brand. Anyone classified a gardener has bought from you before, and will consider few if any alternatives when looking for a new product.
But don’t rest on your laurels. Gardeners are the most desirable type of online shopper, so keeping them on your good side is crucial. Cultivate the relationship with exclusive content, such as behind-the-scenes looks or loyalty discounts. Keep them feeling engaged and important, and they will continue to return for more products.
Of course, each of the above strategies for winning over the various Types of E-Commerce Website Shoppers is only possible if you can identify which shoppers are relevant for you.
For help in that area, along with information on how you can build your online store with each type of shopper in mind, contact us.
Take your online store business to the next level with a Pixel Fish Ecommerce Website.
Further Reading:
E-commerce review: WooCommerce vs. Shopify: Which is Right For You?
5 Time-Saving Tips for Ecommerce Web Store Owners
Further Reading
What is Podcasting? 7 Ways Podcasting Can Benefit Your Business
8 Ways to Create Powerful Website Infographics
Top 10 Ideas to Promote Your Website Offline
How to Promote Your Website on Facebook and Drive Traffic
How to Best Optimise Your Website for a Google Featured Snippet