Social Media Monitoring: 10 reasons your business can benefit from it

Aug 26, 2015 | Inbound Marketing, Social Media

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Kevin Fouche

Social Media Monitoring: 10 reasons your business can benefit from it

Posted by Kevin Fouche, Pixel Fish Director

Kevin handles the planning, design, launch and training of every website that Pixel Fish creates. He ensures that every website is highly engaging and aligned with our client’s goals. With over 20 years of design and web industry experience to draw upon, Kevin aims to pass on his knowledge to our clients and like-minded businesses wanting to grow their online presence.

Whilst many businesses are active on Social Media, not many are successfully monitoring it online. With a little more listening, maybe your business could benefit from Social Media Monitoring. Here are 10 reasons why.

10 reasons your business can benefit from Social Media Monitoring

1. Handle complaints (And win over fans)

More and more people are becoming fed up with traditional customer complaint channels such as telephone calls and email tickets. This has lead to a surge in posting company and product complaints on social media.

Hence companies have been forced to monitor Social media in order to spot online complaints and handle them accordingly.

Not only can your business handle complaints this way, but if done correctly you may even win over a fair few fans.

2. Appreciate Compliments

Showing your gratitude to someone speaking positively about your business is the best way of giving back to your loyal customers. By monitoring social media, you can see when people are talking about your business.

A simple thank you of acknowledgement can be all it takes to re-affirm your relationship with your customers.

3. Answer questions

Social Media is a terrific platform to answers peoples questions. If you can offer free advice and be helpful with the information you provide, people will show appreciation and think of your business in a very positive light.

4. Solve problems

What better way to engage with possible customers than to help solve their problems. By monitoring your social media channels you may be able to find problems that you know the answer to.

5. Find qualified leads

More than ever before, people are asking for advice online for recommendations. How many times have you seen on Facebook recently someone writes something like “Does anyone know of a reliable mechanic?”. Businesses that are active on Social Media are now reaping the rewards of actual instant leads. And the businesses that react first, are very likely to get business.

6. Monitor your competition

Ok, if everyone is being totally honest… we all like to keep an eye on our competitors.

Social Media Monitoring is a fantastic way to see what your competitors are doing. You may like to see what they are posting on line, or view what deals and specials they are sharing. By keeping up to date with what your competitors are doing surely puts your business in good stead for moving forward.

7. Monitor your industry

By monitoring what is going on in your entire industry, you may very well spot some business opportunities.

You may find that suppliers in your industry seem to be struggling with handling online orders – and hence you may be able to add a service to your business to capitalise on this niche.

8. Understand your customers

The key to selling your products to your customers is to understand them as much as you can.

By monitoring your customers on Social media you will get a far clearer idea of both them as a customer and as a person. You could be surprised to find out that there are new opportunities for your business in places you never thought to look.

9. Spot & Control Harm

In today’s world where anyone can post anything they like, much harm can be done to a businesses reputation with a few clicks of a button.

By monitoring your social media channels you may find people out there damaging your reputation.

You need to look out for:

  • People slandering your business
  • People pretending to be you (Identity Fraud)
  • Competitors contacting your customers

If you can spot and control the damage early on, your businesses reputation will be still be intact.

10. Become a business of Influence

Every business strives to become a trusted source of knowledge and advice. By being pro-active on Social Media your business can elevate your status amongst your customers to one of high influence.

As the old saying goes ‘people like to buy from someone they know, like and trust!” So use Social Media to your advantage and become a business that people really love and want to engage with!

Further Reading: What is Social Media and how can it benefit my business?

So how do you get the most out of Business Social Media?

A truly successful Social Media campaign really needs to be part of a well constructed Inbound Marketing plan. Check out this blog for an overview of what Inbound Marketing is all about.
What is Inbound Marketing and how does it work?

Want to find out how Inbound Marketing can help your business?

Further Information
10 Key Signs That Your WordPress Site is Hosting Malware
How Many Digital Marketing Channels Should Your Business Have?
6 Essential Features of Successful E-Commerce Product Photos
The Dos and Don’ts of Designing a Stellar E-Commerce Website
How to Build Multiple Email Lists for Your Business from your Website

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