When you need help in your marketing efforts, it can be difficult to know where to turn. In fact, sometimes, you don’t even know you need the help yet.
And yet, working with an inbound marketing agency will be immensely beneficial for your brand and marketing efforts, in more ways than one.
Here are 6 key problems an inbound agency can solve for your business.
6 Key Problems an Inbound Agency Can Solve For Your Business
1. Generating Quality Content
Given the rising importance of content-based marketing, a quality website and social presence is a must for business to compete successfully in a crowded market space. But both are only possible with high-quality content; if you don’t know how or don’t have the time to generate that content, you could be in trouble.
Fortunately, an inbound agency can help you. Content marketing is a crucial part of the inbound philosophy, so your marketing partner can help you develop social media updates, web content, and blog posts that specifically appeal to your audience.
2. Getting Traffic To Your Website
How does your audience find out about your business? Chances are they will come across your website early in the discovery process. But even the best possible website won’t matter much if your audience doesn’t find it.
That’s where the agency enters the equation. Your partner can ensure that your business website receives the traffic necessary to drive and increase your brand awareness through a holistic approach from social media to search engine optimisation.
3. Converting Traffic Into Leads
Just as a website doesn’t mean much without traffic, that traffic will not make an impact if you don’t know how to convert it into leads and, eventually, customers. When visitors find you, they need a streamlined and consistent process that allows them to learn more about your brand.
This is where inbound marketing shines. Your inbound strategy will be optimised for conversions through effective landing pages that include calls to action and landing pages for relevant content that is ‘gated’ behind a signup form.
4. Guiding Leads Through the Funnel
Once these leads enter your database, it’s not quite time to relax. On average, only 25% of the leads that enter your database are ready for your sales team to make contact with, which means that three-quarters of your leads need additional touches before they’re ready to become customers.
To be successful, these touches need to be part of a consistent lead nurturing strategy that an inbound agency can help you plan and set up. Planning your nurturing messages as well as the timing of those messages, is crucial for success.
5. Ensuring Message Consistency
From the first time they hear about you to the time they get the sales call, your potential customers will hear from and about you many times. During that time, a consistent message is key to success.
If you don’t broadcast the same core message about your brand throughout the buyer’s journey, you risk inviting cognitive dissonance that diminishes your credibility and goodwill. Only a consistent message that threads through all of your marketing and communication can help you succeed.
6. Integrating Marketing and Sales
Finally, an inbound marketing agency can help you in one of the modern brands’ biggest challenges: integrating the marketing and sales process. Both are traditionally separate but need to be unified for the above-mentioned consistent message to take hold.
Making that connection can be complicated, but your inbound agency will know how to develop a strategy that makes it happen. Through closer integration, you increase the chance that your target audience completes their buyer’s journey at high percentage rates.
In short, working with an inbound agency can help your marketing efforts in various ways. From generating content to improving the quality of your sales pitch, it helps unify your message and increase your conversions. Contact us to learn more about the benefits of working with an inbound marketing agency.
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