5 Reasons Why Running an Online Business Has Become So Appealing

Sep 24, 2015 | eCommerce

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Kevin Fouche

5 Reasons Why Running an Online Business Has Become So Appealing

Posted by Kevin Fouche, Pixel Fish Director

Kevin handles the planning, design, launch and training of every website that Pixel Fish creates. He ensures that every website is highly engaging and aligned with our client’s goals. With over 20 years of design and web industry experience to draw upon, Kevin aims to pass on his knowledge to our clients and like-minded businesses wanting to grow their online presence.

The Digital Age has become a modern Gold Rush. In some ways it’s better than the Gold Rush. The income possibilities with an online business are practically endless. Let’s explore 5 Reasons Why Running an Online Business Has Become So Appealing.

But it’s more than just the income potential. Here are five reasons why running an online business has become so appealing.

1. The Convenience of Working Anywhere

No more commutes. No more traffic jams. No stuffy, windowless offices. You can literally work at the beach if you want if you live in a coastal city – though many will find themselves starting at base camp: their home or apartment.

And although working at home can certainly have its own challenges, the advantage of running an online business is clear: you can choose where you work and you can shape the environment to fit your strengths.

2. The Flexibility of Setting Your Own Schedule

Some scientists have claimed like in this Telegraph article — that certain gene mutations predispose us to being “night owls” or people who stay up late. Whether or not the science is proven, the truth is obvious: some people are just not great in the morning because they thrive in the late night hours.

The 9 to 5 grind does not care whether someone is a morning person. Running your own online business allows you to dodge that rigidity and craft your work life around your peak performance hours, whether 3am or 2pm.

3. No More Bosses (Except Yourself)

In this revealing Forbes article, statistics show that 31 percent of people quit their jobs because they don’t like their bosses. Ouch.

The advantage of an online business is obvious: if you’re completely burned out on trying to manage conflicts with a boss who A) isn’t competent or B) has a management style that’s challenging to work with, then you can start your own business and be your own boss. (Though you will then have to contend with your own management style as you self-regulate your production and work habits.)

4. It’s Not As Expensive As It Used to Be

In this old but classic article by PCMagazine published in 2008 — at one of the lowest points of the Great Recession — they outlined a way to start an online business for $100. I mention it not because of its specific tips (some of which are very out of date). I’m trying to make a point: if that was possible then — when so many apps and amazing low-cost tech had yet to be invented, and when the economy was far weaker than where it is now (in late 2015) — imagine what can be done today.

5. A Vast Network of Support and Free Information

Speaking of costs from point 4, the Small Business Administration can help you estimate your costs. See their article here. This is just one example of the rich resources available for free to assist you in your online business.

A very quick search on Google for articles shows a long list of articles written and published within the last 30 days. You could easily spend hours combing through the endless free resources online. Here are a few high quality articles found with ease:

For these reasons, multitudes are taking to the Internet to realise their business ideas. And the wonderful thing about the Internet: even when you find yourself in industries that seem over-saturated online, the vast wealth of resources and innovative thinkers mean there’s always a new strategy to discover that will help your business cut through the noise.

(And, in fact, that’s exactly what we do: we help you cut through the noise and rise above the competition.)

Contact us for more helpful information about online businesses and learn how we can assist you with digital marketing, web design, and e-commerce.

Take your online store business to the next level with a Pixel Fish Ecommerce Website.

Suggested additional reading:
8 proven successful online store product types
How to find the perfect Niche for your eCommerce Product
Top 5 places to find eCommerce product ideas

More Reading
How to Build Multiple Email Lists for Your Business from your Website
How to Build the Perfect E-Commerce Checkout Experience
Reinvent Your Website Lead Generation Strategy with Engaging Content
5 Reasons to Customise Your Social Media Strategy for Every Channel
7 Unbeatable Business Digital Marketing Trends
10 Must-Have E-Commerce Product Page Elements

Stand out from your competition with a Pixel Fish website!

Contact us today on 02 9114 9813 or email info@pixelfish.com.au

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